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Posts for ‘input’ keywords

Did You Know – defaultValue for input in JavaScript

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I keep writing this little series of Did You Know articles about specific little parts of the CSS, HTML or JavaScript. One little thing to learn, easy to digest and use in your dailywork. Last time it was about Lists and specific attributes like start, reversed and type for ul and ol elements. This time, let’s dive into defaultValue in JS.

How to code customized checkbox and radio buttons with CSS

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In the past, I worked on several projects looking for a way to deal with custom styles proposed by some good designers to change the aspect like border color, check icon, animation, of form controls like checkbox, radio, file input, etc. As you may know, these elements are historically not style-able for accessibility reasons. (as I’ve heard). Still. I have a way to code custom accessible checkboxes and radio buttons for all devices. Ready?